Classroom education plays an essential role to develop an overall lifestyle of students. If teachers follow right techniques to build their personalities, they can have a successful career ahead. But a negative behavior can spoil their thought process towards education and life as well.
Teachers need to be very careful while dealing with students. The most important thing is to follow a positive and motivating behavior. Your students must feel positive vibes when they are around you. Your classroom environment must be full of motivation and trust as it is the only way to involve students completely with your teaching.
Studies reveal that many students are facing troubles due to implicit and explicit biases in classroom education. Sometimes teachers start following wrong assumptions about student behavior and their judgmental behavior start affecting students directly. As a teacher, when you have some misconceptions about your student in your mind, you will not be able to listen and understand him/her well. It causes a gap between teacher and student and this gap can ruin the real outcome of the classroom education.
These cognitive biases cause a sense of fear in the student’s mind and they start losing their confidence and interest as well. It makes them feel disconnected from their peers as well and lots of negative thoughts start affecting their performance. Teachers act like role models to their students but if they start developing biases in their mind, it can harm the emotions of the students.
Sometimes teachers start discriminating with students for their color also. They start recognizing them as black boy/girl and white boy/girl. These racial biases leave a wrong message in a classroom environment. There is no doubt to say that biases are a natural effect of our cognitive behavior. But as a teacher, you should be aware of how badly it can affect your students. Biases in the classroom generally reduce interactions between student and teachers, it naturally impacts their learning ability.
In order to get rid of this biased behavior, teachers need to develop empathy and use empathic communication. It is a way to develop the ability to understand things from the other person’s perspective, by considering their emotions and preferences. Prefer to improve your connection with your students. Instead of making pre-judgments about their behavior, prefer to talk more and try to understand what they are actually trying to say. Keep your assumptions aside and be an active listener while talking to your students.
Never ever assume that students from certain social groups of backgrounds have different intellectual abilities. As an instructor, it’s your responsibility to give them the same platform to learn and grow. The real achievement of a teacher is making all his/her students feel equal in the class. Note that, an unfair treatment in class due to explicit and implicit biases can even cause violence and can impact the mental health of students by a great extent. When students feel threatened by your behavior, they start creating boundaries for themselves and are not able to access opportunities to grow. As a teacher, you need to motivate them all to get the best education in a balanced classroom environment.