Why is Resilience Important and How Can Teachers Cultivate it in Students?

Fostering student resilience is a difficult task, as often young adults perceive their life as a roller-coaster ride with sudden turns and twists. Nevertheless, teachers can give direction and tools to students, helping them reach their full potential.

A Lasting Connection With Your Students

Millions of students every single year may know the answer to a question raised in class but don’t have the confidence or trust in their peers or teacher to raise their hand. As a teacher, if you go out of your way to reward your students, let them know they are performing excellently, and open up a channel of communication...

Protect Students Self Esteem

Student-teacher relationship is a two-way street. The more you give, the more you get. It is not a restriction for students that they should always respect their teachers, but yes, teachers need to develop a personality that automatically gets respect from students. Before seeking respect for yourself, you have to protect their self-esteem and be respectful to them.