explicit bias classroom
Implicit and Explicit Bias: How It Affects Classroom Environment

Teachers need to be very careful while dealing with students. The most important thing is to follow a positive and motivating behavior. Your students must feel positive vibes when they are around you. Your classroom environment must be full of motivation and trust as it is the only way to involve students completely with your teaching. 

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Importance of Trust Between Teacher & Student

The true fact is that this relationship is truly dependent on trust. If students are not able to trust their teacher, they cannot follow their guidelines. When teachers and students have a gap in their relation, they start sharing a professional bond and it is well proven that education cannot achieve its goal in such scenario.

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Mindset Is Key! Growth vs Fixed

How you think about a situation is very important because them thoughts then reflect how you act, which is why a positive mindset is crucial to help fuel us to keep going. Especially when times are hard and things may not seem to be working like they should, it is good to use it to help pick yourself up and trust that better times lie ahead.

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Protect Students Self Esteem

Student-teacher relationship is a two-way street. The more you give, the more you get. It is not a restriction for students that they should always respect their teachers, but yes, teachers need to develop a personality that automatically gets respect from students. Before seeking respect for yourself, you have to protect their self-esteem and be respectful to them.

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The Importance of Respecting Your Students

Respect plays an essential role in the student-teacher relationship. It is not just about students giving respect to their teachers rather teachers also need to show respect towards their students. The modern age teachers are least concerned about this fact and probably this is the major reason behind why the quality of education is decaying day by day. 

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Always Room For Growth

Dreaming is all about accomplishing something new, something that you do not already have. If you settle for your comfort zone, then you will most likely never aim at something you do not have. You will make do with what you have already accomplished. So this will, in turn, keep your dreams idle and eventually you will stop dreaming altogether. 

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Seize The Moment Stop Wasting Time

When seizing the moment you are focused on the present. You invite into your life new opportunities and find yourself embarking upon new adventures. No longer sticking to the same old patterns of thoughts and same old actions because you find yourself doing something you wouldn't normally do.

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Speak Up Stop Holding It In

Many times we think that others will know exactly what we’re going through. We walk through life thinking, “well, if they cared they’d at least try to figure it out.” We assume that they owe us their time in working to understand us; when we barely give ourselves the same luxury.

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