Start From Within & Work Your Way Out

Confidence and self esteem are two different things but they go hand in hand if you're looking to obtain both success and happiness. I believe that it's possible to have success with low self esteem but without happiness success means nothing. For example, if you pay any attention to the media and celebrities then you would have came across some celebrity damaging or even killing themselves with drugs because their attempting to fill that hole of emptiness. They're not happy and everything they worked so hard for is then taken away. 

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Student-Teacher Relationship Impact Test Scores

Teachers are the creators; you have the power to create the future of the coming generation and nation as well. It’s your strategy and techniques that make them understand the broader aspect of life. If teachers just keep focusing on test scores, they will lose the ultimate goal of education.

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Take The Lead: Find The Leader Within

Unfortunately there is no pill on the market that you can take and thirty minutes later you suddenly possess the skills of a leader. It's not that easy, and if there is one I'm certain it's not approved by the FDA. But, luckily for you it's not the end of the world, because whether you know it or not the necessary skills needed in order to be leader are already embedded in us all.

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The Real Reward

Truth is, we all come here with a purpose, and that purpose has a huge award hiding inside of it. Usually our purpose seems bigger than we think we’ll ever be, and it comes with all sorts of challenges to test our will. It can be scary to imagine what life will be like when you break away from the pack and pursue major success.

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Why You Should forget all about your comfort zone

If you get to think about it, your comfort zone is a fancy way of settling for something that you already know. Instead of risking towards accomplishing a goal that you have set, you stop trying. You convince yourself that you are perfectly satisfied with everything that you have accomplished so far. And as a result, it would be hubris to ask for more. 

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